An industrial visit to Sula Vineyards

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CEDP Skill Institute had organized an Industrial Visit for Hotel Management students on the 31st October, 2019 to Sula Vineyards, Nashik. Founded in 1998, it is a winery and vineyard that holds a market share of almost 70% in the Indian wine industry. The winery has admirably developed into a world-class winery with Little Italy and Soma (two restaurants), The Gift Shop, The Bottle Shop, and The Tasting Room in its premises. It welcomes visitors all-round the year to enjoy a tour, tastings, and be a part of fun events.

The industrial visit helped our students gain hands-on practical knowledge on industrial processes and its core management concepts. They learned about key stages of the winemaking process using advanced machines. The students were glad to see how the white and red wines are prepared.

An executive at Sula Vineyard introduced students to the winemaking team who are tasked with checking the quality of grapes during the harvest season. They intricately check grape’s taste as well as sugar and acid levels.

Students also visited the stockroom where the wine is stored in huge oak barrels. They enjoyed sipping six different types of wines. Moreover, they learned how to drink wine – See, Sniff, Swirl, and Sip. They also peeped into the corporate culture and learned how to drink wine at corporate parties.

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