COVID-19 Has Shed a Light on the New Role of Lab Technicians


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When blood is drawn or any other sample is collected for testing, it is not the doctor or the nurse that performs a clinical test. But there is someone involved in patient’s care, that’s medical laboratory technicians. Now the people are recognizing their profession for its important role in helping to diagnose the disease.

A career that was usually overshadowed by more visible healthcare professions is now in the limelight because of the coronavirus testing. The lab technicians are gaining importance as they are playing a vital role in diagnosis and treatment. They are being recognized and appreciated for their important role in helping to diagnose patients.

With the new challenge ahead due to pandemic, lab technicians now have a new job role. They must be well-trained and skilled in testing the sample.

Clinical Testing Evaluation

The lab automation has significantly increased over the past three decades. Innovation in laboratory technology, which includes both new tests and advances in equipment and testing techniques, has made testing more efficient and accurate. New tests carried out by a clinical laboratory usually have unique requirements. Thus, it is important for the lab technicians to have hands-on skills and knowledge to perform the tests.

Laboratory work requires strict attention to detail, tenacity, and repetition, according to highly experinced and well trained Lab Technicians.


Educational Pathways for Laboratory Technicians

The easiest educational path to working in a clinical laboratory entails earning certification in lab technology. The course introduces the candidates to a variety of areas, with rotations in hematology, molecular diagnostics, immunology, urinalysis, microbiology, chemistry, parasitology, toxicology, immunohematology (blood banking), coagulation and transfusion, and laboratory safety and operations. Apart from theory and practical, a lot of learning happens through on-the-job training at various labs and hospitals.

The diploma in medical laboratory technology course provides an excellent opportunity to the candidates to develop and improve new skills and learn new ways of lab tests, including COVID-19 antibody testing.

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