Dr. Samir Shaikh at Skill Talk

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Guest speaker enriches the learning environment by offering a diverse approach and perspective to the sessions. A guest lecture from industry can add value to students by bringing in real world experiences and helping them enhance their skills and knowledge.

We were truly delighted to have Dr. Samir Shaikh at the Skill Talk wherein he interacted with our students pursuing GDA (General Duty Assistant) and OTT (Operation Theatre Technician) program. The lecture by the industry expert helped them relate theoretical topics with real world application. He helped them understand the ethics and principles of operation theatre.

Key principles and ethics of operation theatre introduced by Dr. Shaikh were as follows:

  • Too many health care professionals shouldn’t be allowed in OT to avoid any kind of confusion.
  • Entry of family members of patient in operation theatre should be restricted.
  • Entry should only be given to authorized people.
  • Multilevel isolations! Avoid carrying mobile phones as it may cause distraction. Isolate yourself from distracting activities as it could really be disturbing for other people in OT.
  • Avoid wearing jewelry or any other accessory as they may carry contaminate.
  • Don’t carry valuable items such as money, credit cards or debit cards.
  • Lab technician should always work effectively and stay alert while assisting the surgeon.
  • Don’t wear perfumes especially when assisting surgeon during laser surgery as they contain chemical reactants.
  • Always wear a surgical cap, slippers, gloves, and attires (scrubs).
  • All healthcare professionals in OT should always wear perfect fit scrubs and dress up modestly.
  • Dress up patients in decontaminated attires before taking him/her for surgery.
  • Mark the area of operation on patient.
  • One of the most important thing, always take consent before the operation begins.
  • Ensure pre-medication is given to patient.
  • If possible, communicate with patient and try making him/her relaxed by ensuring that he/she is in the safe hands.
  • Once the surgery is over, dress up patient appropriately and then shift him/her in the general ward very carefully.
  • Segregate clothes and surgical instruments and clean the operation theatre properly.
  • Last but not the least, don’t forget to replace the used articles and equipment and keep the OT ready for next surgery.

Dr. Samir Shaikh encouraged the students to keep themselves updated with industry trends as nowadays too many innovations and technological advancements are taking place in health care industry. He further added, “Learning is a constant process. Keep learning from opportunities that comes your way and always retain the good things that you learn.”

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